Mirics FlexiTV
Mirics FlexiTVTM is a multi-standard broadcast TV receiver for netbooks, notebooks and desktop PCs. Using NVIDIA’s CUDATM GPU acceleration technology for critical TV signal processing, global TV and radio can be received using FlexiTV™. The result is a single hardware design for worldwide terrestrial TV and radio reception.
FlexiTVTM comprises Mirics’ unique reconfigurable TV tuner chip, together with Mirics’ broadcast signal demodulator implemented entirely in software. FlexiTV’s software demodulation technology has been developed and optimised for CUDATM by Mirics, resulting in the most cost-effective global PC TV receiver with a high-quality viewing experience for both Standard Definition and High Definition content.
"FlexiTV takes advantage of NVIDIA GPUs to deliver a great TV experience for PC users globally. OEMs can integrate a TV receiver with a minimal addition to platform cost, and without multiple hardware designs for different geographies. The processing power in CUDA means that FlexiTV can also be deployed on platforms with entry-level CPUs ."The Mirics FlexiTVTM software has been developed for pre-integration into PC platform designs by PC OEMs, with the FlexiTV hardware in the industry standard half mini-card form factor. For those PC platforms featuring the high performance video capabilities of CUDATM, the addition of live TV is a natural progression and brings another source of multimedia content to the end user. FlexiTV OEM products are expected to be commercially available in the second quarter of 2010.
Chris Cytera, Marketing Director, Mirics Semiconductor
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